Securely Enable Remote Working
Secure access and verify idenitities remotely
Stay in control of a remote workforce
The move to remote and hybrid working models is creating new cybersecurity challenges to manage. Legacy security models with a trusted internal network and untrusted external network cannot meet the challenges posed by remote working – instead, identity is the new perimeter. An Identity Management solution can help secure end-user access, mitigate against credential-based attacks, and ensure only the right people have access to the right corporate data and applications regardless of their location.

Protecting the organisation and its remote workforce
Centralise and secure end-user access to corporate applications
Enable secure access to all applications
More than 80% of hacking-related data breaches are caused by stolen, reused or weak passwords. Deploy passwordless authentication for secure, seamless access to applications and remove the need for users to manage passwords.
Protect against phishing
Mitigate the risk of phishing by removing passwords from users. Every password removed from a user improves the organisational security posture. If users do not know passwords, they cannot be phished of them.
Detect and address shadow IT risks
Automatically detect risks of cloud applications being used to store corporate data and enable these to be integrated under the umbrella of the corporate security policies.
Automate provisioning and revocation of access
Manage user lifecycles and ensure the right people have access to the right applications at the right time. Automate revocation of access synchronised with the corporate directory, ensuring ex-employees do not retain access to systems and applications.
“My1Login was easy to get up and running and when we were forced to move to a remote workforce, it actually took less than an hour to get our users up and running on their new laptops and give them access to their applications in an environment they were familiar with."
“My1Login being in place enabled our teams to hit the ground running when we went fully remote and it didn’t require them to change the way they worked.”
- James Serjeant, Head of IT, Cresta World Travel Ltd
Read the Cresta World Travel Case Study

Single Sign-On
Protect user identities and remove the risks posed by weak and reused passwords. Eliminate the risk of phishing with passwordless authentication and Secure Web Authentication. Automatically discover new applications in use to eliminate Shadow IT risks and ensure all areas of the network are protected.

User Provisioning
Automate provisioning and deprovisioning of users to applications to ensure access is strictly controlled. Integrate user provisioning with the existing corporate directory to streamline onboarding and revoke application access when users leave the organisation.

Multi-Factor Authentication
Leverage Multi-Factor Authentication to protect the most sensitive corporate resources. Utilise step-up authentication to give maximum protection where it’s most required, without compromising user experience or productivity.
Learn More
Are You Wasting Budget On Cyber Training?
Read the blog
How My1Login Can Take Your Organisation From Password-based To Passwordless
Read the blog
Why Do Leaders Need To Take The Responsibility Of Corporate Passwords Away From Employees?
Read the blog