Move to Passwordless Authentication
Address the number one cause of data breaches

Passwordless Authentication
Passwordless Authentication enables the authentication of users without the need for usernames and passwords. It removes one of the biggest cybersecurity problems facing organisations today, that 80% of data breaches involve weak, stolen or reused credentials.
Implementing passwordless login through the use of SAML and OIDC protocols, and filling any gaps with Secure Web Authentication, enables the threat of password-related data breaches to be mitigated by removing passwords from users, placing the organisation back in control of identities.
Benefits of Passwordless Authentication
Enable simple and secure access to applications
Protect against data breaches
Mitigate the cybersecurity risks of passwords by replacing them with token-based authentication for user access. End the use of weak and reused passwords to deny attack vectors to malicious actors.
Protect against phishing
Mitigate the risk of phishing by removing passwords. Every password removed from an organisation improves its security posture. If passwords do not exist, users cannot be phished of them.
Reduce IT workloads
Reduce helpdesk calls for password resets and account unlocks. Automate user provisioning and revocation of access through just-in-time provisioning, removing the need for manual provisioning for user account access.
Improve user experience and employee productivity
Reduce application login times for employees and remove the problem of password fatigue. Eliminate forgotten passwords and the employee downtime due to account lockouts or while waiting for password resets.
“My1Login enabled us to eliminate a number of password-related security risks. There are definite benefits to both security and speed of access to applications.”
“My1Login has helped us identify around 600 business applications in-use and 100% of these are now integrated with My1Login’s IAM solution, providing Single Sign-on for these apps that is seamlessly linked to users’ AD profiles. I personally use it all the time and my users love it."
– Calum McLean, Head of Innovation and Data, Natural Power
Read the Natural Power Case Study

Single Sign-On
Implement passwordless Single Sign-On. Replace password-based access to applications with token-based authentication through the use of SAML and OIDC protocols.

Enterprise Password Manager
Deploy secure web authentication for applications that do not currently support passwordless protocols, to still deliver a passwordless experience for end-users.

User Provisioning
Onboard and offboard employees with automated provisioning. Leverage passwordless protocols to deliver Just-In-Time provisioning to automate provisioning of user accounts for supported applications.
Learn More
Why employees require a passwordless experience in a hybrid working world
Read the blog
How My1Login Can Take Your Organisation From Password-based To Passwordless
Read the blog
Five Reasons Why Businesses are Moving to Passwordless Authentication
Read the blog